2020-03-19 11:49:22

Shafaq News / Al-Nasr coalition led by Haider al-Abadi revealed on Thursday that the Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi was nominated by the President of the Republic, Barham Salih.

Al-Zorfi is a leader in the victory coalition, and his assignment by the President of the Republic sparked a refusal of Shiite currents, who objected   his candidacy outside the framework of what is known as the "largest bloc", in addition to accusing Al-Zorfi of being close to America, and that the American embassy in Baghdad was the one who pushed for that nomination.

However, an official at the American embassy told Shafaq News that the embassy respected the sovereignty of Iraq , the will of the Iraqis and did not interfere in the mandating selection mechanism of Adnan Al-Zorfi.

In this regard, the leader of the victory coalition, Ahmed al-Hamdani told Shafaq News that "the President of the Republic, Barham Salih commissioned Adnan al-Zarfi to form the new Iraqi government without being nominated by any political party, as he is Salih’s candidate, although there is support for him by some blocs and representatives, and that came after Saleh chose him. "

Al-Hamdani said, "The President of the Republic, Barham Salih assigned al-Zorfi without referring to the Shiite political blocs, because of his failure to agree on any personality, despite the end of the constitutional deadline, because he didn’t want to repeat the constitutional breach, because of those blocs, and that is why Al-Zorfi was nominated, to prevent any constitutional breach that might be counted on Salih”.

The spokesperson of the State of Law Coalition, Bahaa Al-Din Al-Nuri told Shafaq News, "The political blocs in al-Benaa alliance in addition to Wisdom bloc held a meeting two days ago announcing its official refusal of Adnan Al-Zorfi ."

Al-Zorfi is the second official in charge of forming the government, after the former Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi stepped down earlier this month after he failed to persuade the Kurds, Sunnis and some Shiite forces to give confidence to his cabinet.