2020-05-12 12:18:01

Shafaq News / The leader of Al-Fateh Alliance said on Tuesday, that the forces opposing the American presence in Iraq will stop their escalation against the United States of America, attributing the reason to "the current conditions of Iraq", while revealing that ministers and military leaders in the government of the current Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadimi are communicating with the American side.

"The escalation with the United States of America at present is not in the interests of the forces opposing the American presence in Iraq," MP Hanin al-Qaddou told Shafaq News Agency, attributing this to "the good relations that the new government headed by Mustafa al-Kadhimi has with Washington."

Al-Qudo explained that "most of the ministers and military leaders in Al-Kadhimi's government have good relations with America," explaining that "the economic, security, health, and other conditions that Iraq is going through will push the opposition forces to the American presence to accept reality and new relations with Washington during the next stage."

It is worth mentioning that the Iraqi parliament voted on January 5, 2020 on a resolution calling for the Iraqi government to end the foreign military presence in the country, during a session that witnessed the boycott of Kurdish representatives and most Sunni representatives, while the office of former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said that the government "will not reversing this parliament decision. "

The parliament vote came after the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force, General Qassem Soleimani, and the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in an American raid near Baghdad airport, at the beginning of this year, which prompted some political blocs that are "loyal to Iran" to take firm positions on the American presence and called that armed factions to carry "arms" against these forces.