2020-05-18 13:39:51

Shafaq News / A deputy from Alliance Towards Reforms (Saairun in Arabic) revealed, on Monday, that some MPs had moved to dismiss Parliament Speaker Mohamed Al-Halbousi from his post, saying that Al-Halbousi "failed" in running parliament sessions and interrogating former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.

"There is a tendency among some MPs to change the presidency of the parliament and dismiss him from his position," stressing that "this procedure is legal and constitutional, as Al-Halbousi was chosen to head the parliament, he can be dismissed according to the constitution,” MP Riyad Al-Masoudi told Shafaq News Agency.

He added that "there is an objection from some deputies to the unsuccessful performance of Al-Halbousi in conducting the sessions," noting  to"his failure to host former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi or present some important laws to Parliament."

"We have objections and observations on the time of the sessions, unlike the previous parliamentary session, in addition to the fact that many of the parliamentary committees did not issue bureau orders," noting that "some of its elections are illegal,” Al-Masoudi added.

With the start of the demonstrations in November last year, " Saairun " previously held the Presidency of the Parliament responsible for delaying the interrogation of former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and then said, "If Halbousi - the Speaker of Parliament - continues to delay, we will go to dismiss him by legal means."