2020-07-05 16:24:27

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Forces Alliance led by president of the Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, denounced the attempts of what he described as "undisciplined entities" to hamper the state's "efforts" to enforce the law, and warned of forcing Iraq back to international isolation.

"As the government, parliament and political forces struggle to ensure the sovereignty of Iraq and promote the state's prestige, some non-disciplined parties are attempting to disrupt the national efforts", the coalition said in a statement, reported to Shafaq News agency. The head of the coalition expressed "its condemnation" of the attempts of the outlaws to undermine the citizen and the international community confidence in the ability of the Iraqi government to enforce the law and ensure protection for Arab and international missions in Iraq.

He added that such activities, "may negatively affect the sustainability of international support for Iraq, weaken the confidence of states in it and force it back to international isolation; which is against the aspirations of the Iraqi nation and its government".

The Patriot missile system foiled, at dawn Sunday, a missile attack that attempted to target the United States embassy in the heavily fortified Green Zone at the center of the capital, Baghdad.

The United States of America has deployed the Patriot system in several locations in Iraq to repel repeated missile attacks targeting its soldiers and diplomats by Iran-supported factions.

On Saturday, explosions were heard from inside the Green Zone due to a security exercise by the American forces to test the Patriot air defense system.

The vice president of the Iraqi parliament considered testing the Patriot air defense system by US forces in the center of the capital, Baghdad, as a "provocative step", while the head of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee called on the Iraqi army and commander-in-chief to "prevent these actions".