2014-01-19 09:19:21


Each of who implemented or planned for killings of those who prove their belonging to armed groups will be punished with execution penalty in accordance with Article IV , which is related to fight against terrorism , in the Iraqi constitution .

The channel said in a breaking news , briefed by "Shafaq News " , that " the first body in the Central Criminal Court has accused MP Ahmed al-Alwani with terrorism issues."

The Iraqi security forces arrested MP Ahmed al-Alwani , a Sunni member of al- Iraqiya List at dawn on 28 of last month after a raid on his home in Ramadi in Anbar province .

Alwani’s brother, three of his bodyguards and a number of security forces had been killed during clashes that accompanied the raid on his house and followed by lifting the sit-in tents which raised tensions in Anbar .

Human Rights Watch International has called the Iraqi government to open an investigation into the issue of ending the sit-ins in Anbar province, the arrest of MP Ahmed al-Alwani and the death of his brother .