2020-05-03 12:12:22

Shafaq News / Alliance Towards Reforms (Saairun in Arabic) close to the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr announced on Sunday that there are no "political guarantees" to pass the government of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

"Until now, there are no political guarantees to grant confidence to the new government in the parliament, headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, especially with the continuing differences on ministerial portfolios, and the candidates for these ministries among political forces on one hand and between the Prime Minister-designate and the political forces on the other hand,” The MP of Saairun Alliance , Jamal Fakher told Shafaq News.

" Voting on Al-Kadhimi’s government or not is decided by the political forces which is something decided always minutes before the voting session is held, and for this we say there are no guarantees. Perhaps there are parties that boycott the session to break the quorum, so the solution to this mystery will be, through what we will see in parliament in the voting session ".

It is worth motioning that the  leader in Kurdistan Democratic Party, Hoshyar Zebari has urged on Sunday, to support the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, warning that Iraq and the region are about to be at the gates of hell.

While a political source said yesterday that Al-Fatah coalition led by Hadi Al-Amiri informed the Prime Minister-designate of his opposition to the nomination of a number of personalities as ministers in the new cabinet, whereas indicating that Al-Kadhimi will make an amendment before submitting the formation to Parliament.

Two informed sources had informed Shafaq News, on Saturday, that Parliament Speaker Mohamed Al-Halbousi had invited representatives to come to Baghdad on Monday in preparation for a special session to consider giving confidence to the government of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

“The parliament will hold a session of granting confidence to the Al-Kadhimi’s government on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week,” One of the sources added.

At the time of his assignment, Al-Kadhimi won the support of most of the major political forces in the three Shiite, Kurdish, and Sunni components, as they promised to give confidence to his government formation through their parliamentary blocs in the parliament.

However, Al-Kadhimi has not yet been able to announce his government formation due to the differences taking place among the political forces over the distribution of ministerial portfolios, especially the sovereign ones