2020-07-06 22:53:13

Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi said,  Monday,  that the security expert Hisham al-Hashemi was one of the opinion-makers in the country, threatening to kill the killers.

"we have received with great sadness and regret the news of the assassination of the expert, Dr. al-Hashimi,  who was assassinated by an outlaw armed group”, al-Kadhimi said in a statement.

"The deceased was a supportive voice for our heroic forces in their war against ISIS, and contributed greatly to enriching important political and security dialogues", He added

Addressing the killers, He said, "You will receive the fair punishment."

For his part, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives Mohamed al-Halbousi condemned the assassination of Al-Hashimi.

He add in a statement, " "While condemning the shameful and treacherous act that took place in central Baghdad by unidentified group, we call on the government to disclose the investigations to the public, and to show the involved parties in this cowardly act, especially after repeated kidnappings and assassinations took place”.

The Speaker stressed that the security services should be responsible for the assassins and put an end to those who are outlaws and those who are manipulating with the security of citizens".

Earlier, today Monday, an armed group in two motorbikes shot fire at Al-Hashemi outside his home, in Zayouna neighborhood/ Baghdad and died shortly thereafter.

Hisham al-Hashimi is 47 years old, an expert on armed groups; He is also a writer of many strategic studies.