2020-05-14 15:02:27

Shafaq News / The Prime Minister and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa al-Kadhimi directed on Thursday, to strengthen the role of anti-terrorist agency in protecting the state, stressing the need to keep it away from political interference.

During his visit to the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorism Agency, according to a statement of his office reported to Shafaq News, Al-Kadhimi praised the efforts and sacrifices of the agency, its heroic response to terrorism and the ISIS gang, and the contribution of victory to the armed forces and security services.

During his meeting with the head of the anti-terrorism agency, Lieutenant General Abdel Wahab Al-Saadi and a number of leaders, officers , AL-Kadhimi stressed the importance of preserving the independence of this national institution and strengthening its strength and role in protecting the state and the need to keep the anti-terrorism apparatus away from political interference, pointing to “the security challenge and the need to address the remnants ISIS with all force and frustration of its efforts. "

The Commander-in-Chief listened to "a detailed explanation provided by the head of the agency on the developments of the work of the anti-terrorist agency and its security and intelligence effort."

On Saturday (9th of May), AL-Kadhimi decided to return Lieutenant-General Abdel-Wahab Al-Saadi back to Anti-Terrorism Service and to upgrade him to the position of head of the agency.