2020-04-30 09:57:34

Shafaq News / The Prime Minister-designate will present an incomplete government formation to the parliament after the differences among the political forces on three ministries have continued , Fadhel Jaber, a member of the "Sadiqoun" parliamentary bloc led by the Secretary General of " Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq " group, Qais Khazali said on Thursday

"Al-Kadhimi will send during the next 48 hours a request to the Presidency of the parliament to set a date for a session to give confidence to the government," stressing that "next week is the deadline for the constitutional period given to Al-Kadhimi regarding the formation of his government,” Jaber told Shafaq News.

"The ministerial cabinet that Al-Kadhimi will send to the parliament will be devoid of the ministries of Interior, Defense and Finance because of not agreeing on candidates for these ministries."

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kadhimi signed the Ministerial Curriculum Letter for his government and sent it to Presidency of the parliament.

A video recording published by Al-Kadhimi media office today showed signed the curriculum, saying in a brief interview, "I sign the ministerial curriculum: Long live Iraq for land, people and national sovereignty."

Yesterday, Parliament Speaker , Mohamed Al-Halbousi received the ministerial curriculum presented by Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

According to a statement issued by the Office of the Speaker of Parliament based on the provisions of Article (43 / Second) of the parliament Law, Al-Halbousi decided to form a committee headed by First Deputy Hassan Al-Kaabi and the membership of a number of deputies and advisors to study the ministerial curriculum and submit a report to the parliament regarding it.