2020-04-23 13:32:21

Shafaq News / Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi threatened on Thursday , the Shiite forces of apologizing from his assignment, due to the pressure he is facing during the cabinet formation, while Al-Fateh coalition pointed that the parliament would vote on a ministerial cabinet other than the one published in the media.

A source in the State of Law coalition told Shafaq News that, "The Prime Minister-designate was disturbed by the Shiite forces' objection to the names presented to them at a meeting that took place on Wednesday, in the office of the Head of Al-Fateh Alliance , Hadi al-Ameri.”


He added that "Al-Kadhimi told the Shiite leaders who were present at the meeting that he will apologize from this assignment because of the pressures and political demands he is facing and that he does not want to face the same fate as the former commissioner, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, and his failure to obtain the confidence of the parliament."

“Al-Kadhimi informed the Shiite forces that he would carry out some amendments to the candidates for the cabinet, and if any political bloc or party objected on them, he would withdraw from the assignment without hesitation." He pointed out that "the ministerial cabinet that Al-Kadhimi presented represent the parties’ concession in response to the wishes of the political blocs.” The source explained.

Meanwhile, Al-Fateh Alliance confirmed on Thursday, that the Iraqi parliament will vote on a ministerial cabinet other than those published in the media, according to leaks from candidates of some ministries.

"Some of the names that have been leaked have validity as a candidate, and some of them are incorrect as there are many names presented to fill the ministerial portfolios," said Fadhil al-Fatlawi, a member of the coalition to Shafaq News.

Al-Fatlawi added, "If Al-Kadhimi chooses his ministers, he bears the responsibility for the success or failure of his government, and if the political blocs are the ones that nominated the ministers, they also bear the success or failure of the new government."

"The parliament will not vote on the ministerial cabinet, some of whose names have been leaked, but will vote on another cabinet which may be formally announced during the next few days, this file is under dialogue and negotiation," al-Fatlawi said.

The Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi has presented during his meeting with Shiite forces, the names of candidates for 14 ministerial portfolios.

According to Shafaq News sources, Al-Kadhimi list consisted of:

Candidate of the Ministry of Planning / Khaled Battal

Foreign Ministry candidate / Harith Hassan

Candidate of the Ministry of Higher Education / Ibrahim Bahr Al-Ulum

Candidate of the Ministry of Finance / Fouad Hussein

Candidate of the Ministry of Justice / Khaled Shawani

Candidate of the Ministry of Municipalities / Rizan Muhammad

Candidate of the Ministry of Agriculture / Mohamed Shiaa

Candidate of the Ministry of Oil / Hisham Saleh Dawood

Candidate of the Ministry of Water Resources / Jassem Muhammad Al-Asadi

Candidate of the Ministry of Electricity / Adnan Al-Zurfi

Candidate of the Ministry of Labor / Kadhem Al-Sahlani

Candidate of the Ministry of Culture / Hashem Al-Shadidi

Candidate of the Ministry of Interior / Muzahim Al-Tamimi

Candidate of the Ministry of Education / Muzahim Al-Khayyat and Falah Mahmoud Ahmed to choose one of them

Another source told Shafaq News said that Al-Kadhimi presented the names of his candidates to Shiite leaders, but they objected on some , without specifying names.

The source added that "Shiite leaders asked Al-Kadhimi to change some of the names of the candidates because of their inefficiency to take the ministerial position."

He referred to "the opposition of the gathered forces to re-nominate a number of ministers in the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi, who resigned, and also made observations on some of the candidates submitted by the Sunni forces."