2020-06-08 14:18:39

Shafaq News / Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has assigned a close member to the leader of the State of Law coalition,Nouri Al-Maliki as the manager of his office.

“It was decided to assign Judge Raed Juji Hammadi to the duties of director of the Prime Minister's Office due to the necessities of the public interest and according to the legal powers vested to us,” a document issued by an Office order issued by Al-Kadhimi read on Sunday as a copy was obtained by Shafaq News Agency.

Hammadi, who is close to Maliki, was chosen from three names that were on Al-Kadhimi’s table.

As for the names that were not chosen, they are: Abu Mariam Al-Ansari, leader in Badr Organization and Muhammad Salem Al-Ghabban also a leader in Badr Organization.