2020-06-10 14:19:03

Shafaq News / Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi considered on Wednesday achieving sovereignty and taking into account the country's interest as a priority in the strategic dialogue to be held between Iraq and America.

On Wednesday afternoon, Al-Kadhimi held a meeting with a number of tribes representatives of and dignitaries of Nineveh Governorate, on the sidelines of his visit to Mosul, on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of its invasion by ISIS.

Al-Kadhimi stated during the meeting that Mosul represents a civilized human history and heritage, and was subjected to ISIS gang’s terror, to be then liberated with the blood of all heroic Iraqis.

He stressed the importance of coexistence and diversity in Nineveh province, and considered it an advantage and a strength element for it, confirming that Nineveh is arising and flourishing with the solidarity of its people from all sects and ethnicities.

Al-Kadhmi pointed to the challenges facing the government in the current stage, as it mobilizes all its efforts to curb Covid-19 pandemic, in light of the financial crisis caused by the collapse of international oil prices.

 The Prime Minister stressed that the government inherited a heavy legacy, and received an empty budget, as a result of poor planning and total dependence on oil, but opportunities for success are available to build the citizenship state.

He referred to the expected dialogue with the United States of America, adding that the first elements of the dialogue are sovereignty and the interests of the country.