2020-06-13 13:40:05

Shafaq News / The Secretary General of "Asaib Ahl al-Haq" group, Qais Al-Khazali accused on Saturday, Gulf States including Saudi Arabia as well as America and Israel of conspiring against Iraq by exceptional projects in which they had spent billions of dollars.

“Six years ago our country was subjected to a special type of threat, we do not exaggerate if we say it was a global conspiracy in which many countries , agendas and projects participated and united together to reach one goal which is targeting Iraq “.

"These projects spent hundreds of billions of dollars in addition to mobilizing  many intelligence agencies, intelligence services, study centers , media organizations and tens of thousands of fighters had been recruited from everywhere in the world. These fighters have easy access crossing oceans to reach our country,” he added.

"These three unified projects included the most dangerous of which was the Israeli project because it aimed to destroy Iraq as a state and desired to eradicate Iraq as a people with ideological, biblical and historical ideologies mentioned explicitly in their books."

"As for the second project, it was the American project that targeted the unity of Iraq to divide it into multiple states for interests related to the United States of America and also to the Israeli entity."

"The third project is the Gulf project and this project aimed the nature of the system, as Saudi Arabia and Emirates were in the foremost of these countries that couldn’t accept a new democratic system on the basis of which the Shiite majority is the ruler,” Khazali concluded.