2020-06-16 16:45:28

Shafaq News / A medical source said, today, that Al-Kindi Hospital in Baghdad has been transformed into an isolation/quarantine center for Covid-19 patients, pointing that the hospital is currently admitting only Covid-19 patients or fatalities.

A video went viral on social media showed dead bodies laid on beds in the front yard of the mentioned hospital. A relative of a deceased patient expressed his dissatisfaction by the hospital's decision, while another said that his relative's dead body has been laying outside the hospital for two days.

In this regard, Mortada Samir, director of media at Al-Kindi Hospital, told Shafaq News agency that, "the bodies –in the video- belong to non Covid-19 patients", noting that, "The dead bodies were not placed in the morgue in order to protect the relatives of the deceased patients; since the morgue is preserved to Covid-19 fatalities".

He added, "The dead bodies are supposed to be transferred to other hospitals", noting that, "other hospitals are not designated for quarantine".