2020-07-23 12:14:54

Shafaq News / The leader of the "State of Law Coalition" Nuri al-Maliki called on the Iraqi government today, Thursday, to clarify the events of kidnapping the German activist, Hella Mewis, in Baghdad, among other crimes, which he said it constitute an abuse to Iraq.
Al-Maliki told German News Agency (DPA), “Although they are limited, there is no doubt that the kidnappings and assassinations in the country strongly imply instability of the security situation."

He added, "the security authorities were quick to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the kidnapping of the German activist. I think the government is obliged to clarify all the events of this crime and other crimes and take deterrent measures against those gangs."

Al-Maliki stressed that "the reputation of Iraq is at stake and we will not allow this, because Iraq needs serious support from all countries, especially as we live in difficult conditions following the outbreak of Corona pandemic, the drop in oil prices and the challenge of services that need security and political stability."

"We reaffirm the need for the government to take urgent measures to restore security and stability and prosecute organized crime gangs and outlaw groups who want to tamper with security," he said.
Unidentified people kidnapped last Monday, July 20, the German citizen Hella Mewis - who works in culture and arts in Iraq - near the installation house of culture on Abu Nawas Street.
According to Major General Saad Maan, the spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, the ministry has also formed a special team of intelligence and criminal experts to investigate the case.