2020-04-01 11:52:07

Shafaq News / Towards Reform Alliance, led by Muqtada Al-Sadr revealed on Wednesday, the fact that Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi chose his cabinet to be submitted to Parliament for voting.

"The prime minister-designate, Adnan al-Zorfi is still negotiating with political forces, in order to get their support and persuade them to vote for him in the Iraqi parliament," said Alliance deputy Riyadh al-Masoudi to Shafaq News.

Al-Masoudi said, "Designated Prime Minister Adnan Al-Zorfi has not yet begun the issue of choosing cabinet members, so we cannot move on this file, except after the end of his negotiations and dialogues with political forces, especially since he has not yet started into real negotiations from the Sunni political and Kurdish forces”.

The deadline for al-Zorfi to form his government expires on 16th of April.

As Al-Zorfi is opposed by Shiite forces led by the Al-Fatah coalition headed by Hadi al-Amiri that accuses him of being close to America.