2020-06-06 08:20:50

Shafaq News / The office of the Iraq’s leading Shi’ite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Ali Al-Sistani sent a message on Saturday to the Iraqis, in which he called on them to adhere to the "strict" precautionary measures after the increasing number of cases of Corona pandemic in the country.

"Respected Iraqis ... in these difficult days where the number of people infected people with (Corona) pandemic in various regions increases in an unprecedented way - especially in the dear capital of Baghdad - We appeal you again and call you to be more careful and cautious, as we assure you of the necessity of paying attention to applying the preventive measures recommended by the concerned authorities such as avoiding contact with others and maintaining a certain distance from them, using masks, adherence to hand washing with detergent materials, or sterilizing them, and so on,” Al-Sistani said in the text of the message issued by his office in Najaf, seen by Shafaq News Agency.

Al-Sistani stressed the necessity of "strict adherence to these procedures in order to contribute effectively - as specialists say - in limiting the spread of this pandemic and reducing the number of infections thereof," stressing that "paying attention to this issue has become a necessity that is not tolerated, especially with what the country suffers from limited capabilities available to provide the necessary medical care for the increasing number of infected people who are piling in hospitals. "

He added that preventing this pandemic from spreading more broadly than it is at present is the responsibility of all citizens and officials. Everyone must be at the level of this great responsibility and cooperate in passing this critical stage with minimal losses and consequences.

"Let us all remember that the medical and nursing cadres bear a great burden in carrying out their tasks in treating and caring for the infected people, and they and their families face severe suffering where they risk their lives. The number of infected people has increased in their ranks in the last period, It is imperative that everyone seeks to alleviate them with more care to take preventive measures against infection with this virus so as not to double the number of those infected by it, which carries additional burdens and makes it more difficult to perform their duties. "

Grand Ayatollah Al- Sistani authority concluded his message by saying, “As we salute them with honor , dignity and praise and pay tribute to their continuous efforts and great sacrifices for the sake of serving their people and fulfilling their religious, national and humanitarian duty, we call upon the Almighty God to preserve , protect and bless them all”.

This come as Iraq is facing a suffocating crises where the Iraqi Ministry of Health announced on Friday the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Iraq since the outbreak of the pandemic reached 9,846 active cases, while recovery cases reached 4573 and the total infected cases under treatment mounted to 4988 cases, total number of those under intensive care: 63, indicating that the total number of deaths reached 285 cases.