2014-03-10 08:36:46

, while demanded Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki to review what he called as his big mistakes that he has committed.

A suicide bomber driving a car bomb blew himself up at a checkpoint in the entrance of Hilla city, killing 30 people and injuring more than 120 others.

“We condemn what happened in Hilla that led to hundreds of martyrs and many were wounded," adding that " the incident reflects the ugliness targeting used by the dark forces to stir up sectarian strife and spread terror and instability,” The leader of the coalition and former Prime Minister , Iyad Allawi said in a statement , received by " Shafaq News “.

He added that “those forces have found its appropriate environment in the absence of the military and security effort and the continuation of the government 's approach in being irresponsible which led to the fragility of the security situation in the whole country."

The statement called " the Prime Minister as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces to review the big mistakes committed by the security measures as a result of unstudied measures ," and stressed "the need to review the security of the system , which proved to be inefficient ."