2014-02-25 06:58:21

, as considered it as a violation to the international prohibition on Iran .

According to documents published on Tuesday , Iran and Iraq violated the international ban on sales of Tehran , through an arms deal worth 195 million dollars , according to Reuters news agency in a story briefed by " Shafaq News" .

The spokeswoman for the U.S. State , Jennifer Sacchi said in a press statement briefed by " Shafaq News " , that " we are confirmed from this information , if it turned out to be true then it will be a big concern ," stating that " any transfer of weapons from Iran towards another country is a direct violation to UN Security Council Resolution No. 1747".

“We seek to obtain additional information from the Iraqi government on this matter to be confident that Iraqi officials understand well the border drawn by international law in terms of the arms trade with Iran”.

“We consider Iraq as a partner in fight against terrorism and we are committed to support this battle and we remind that we have provided the security forces and the Iraqi army with equipment worth more than 15 billion dollars,” Sacchi added.

It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of last January, Assistant Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces , Mohammad Hejazi announced his country's readiness to provide military equipment and " advice " to Iraq to help in fighting “al-Qaeda”.

Washington expressed its willingness to help Iraq at this level and has committed to accelerate delivering Baghdad with Hellfire missiles and unmanned reconnaissanceaircrafts.