2019-12-25 12:03:42

Shafaq News / The New York Times revealed a U.S. plan to relocate the military around the world, which begins by reducing the number of troops deployed in West Africa, and also includes Iraq and Afghanistan, with the aim of focusing on confronting emerging powers, such as Russia and China.

The newspaper quoted unnamed Pentagon officials as saying that the plan includes all the forces deployed outside the country, with a strength of about 200,000 soldiers, and it is expected that the first decisions will be issued within its framework early next year.

Despite Washington spending about $ 110 million last year to establish a base for drones in Niger, the plan includes withdrawing from it, which could spark internal controversy, according to the newspaper.

Under the move, if it is finally approved, it will end aid to the French forces deployed in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, and reduce the number of American forces in the region, estimated at between six and seven thousand soldiers, to a few hundred.

The officials confirmed that the Minister of Defense, Mark Esper, is studying in the same framework reducing the number of troops deployed in the Middle East, by reducing the number in Iraq from five thousand to two thousand and 500, and withdrawing about four thousand out of 12 thousand soldiers in Afghanistan.