2014-05-10 06:59:11

“These reports do not reflect the discussions we are having with the government of Iraq , we are not in discussion with the Iraqi government about the use of military drones as we do not study these options " , denying " the existence of any intention by Washington to send U.S. troops to Iraq to help with security challenges ,” The State Department spokeswoman , Jane Bsaki said in a press statement seen by " Shafaq News”.

She expressed " America’s deep concern about the high levels of violence in Iraq and the situation in Anbar ," asserting “her country's commitment to " support Iraq and continue to provide security and insecurity assistance ."

She explained that " Iraq's success would depend on the strength training and Readiness good for its security forces ," indicating that " our assistance is not limited to security field, we have worked on a consistent basis for the development of a comprehensive approach with a focus on recruiting local tribal fighters and secure resources to areas that need it ."

Jane pointed that " military equipment have been delivered by Washington to Baghdad, including extra helicopters Bill IA-407 late last year , 300 Hellfire missile and thousands of ammunition, tanks , rockets fired from helicopters, machine guns , grenades and flares , sniper rifles , rifles M 4 and M-16 in addition to the 10 Eagle platforms for surveillance . "