2020-03-29 08:22:12

Shafaq News / The Pentagon ordered its military commanders in Iraq to prepare for possible operations aimed at destroying the pro-Iranian Hezbollah Brigades, which Washington considers responsible for the missile attack on Taji base, on March 11, which led to the death of one British soldier and two American soldiers.

The "Pentagon" is expected to deploy new air defense equipment, including Patriot missile batteries, and the "C-RAMs" system, within the next two weeks, according to the London-based newspaper, Asharq Al-Awsat, in its Sunday edition.

The New York Times referred to secret military plans drawn up to counter the escalation of fighting in Iraq against Iranian-backed militias. The orders came more than a week after the US-led coalition forces announced that they would redeploy hundreds of troops to various bases in Iraq.

Military analysts considered the attack on Taji base, indicating that Iranian-backed militias had become more aggressive in attacking the United States and its forces in Iraq.

Pentagon officials say that intelligence reports from Iraq almost daily indicate impending attacks planned by Iranian militias against military or diplomatic facilities linked to the United States. The "Hezbollah Brigades" posted videos claiming that it would target the United States with snipers and "RPGs".

The United States had announced the withdrawal of some American forces from American bases abroad due to the outbreak of Corona epidemic, but with possible plans from "Hezbollah Brigades", and the increasing escalation situation, planning began to deploy more American forces in Iraq, where about 5,000 are currently spreading soldier.