2014-04-09 07:24:07
between Erbil and Baghdad over oil and budget file.

“There are mediations from some countries such as the United States, Turkey, Iran and some Iraqi nationalists in order to resolve differences between Erbil and Baghdad about the crisis between the two sides on files of oil and Budget ,” The deputy Ministry of Finance and Economy in KRG , Rashid Tahir said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News “.

On the results of these mediations, Taher pointed out that the Kurds are with dialogue and negotiations and are ready to resolve their differences, adding that what the region is doing is in the framework of the constitution.

On the reasons for the delay on the salaries of March , Taher attributed the reason to the scarcity of the currency available in the government treasury , pointing that the region depends on Interior loans and financial profits in securing salaries because Baghdad did not send any money to the region .

He pointed out that Baghdad did not send employees' salaries of the region since three months, explaining that Baghdad sent a billion and 100 million dinars rather than sending four trillion and 800 billion dinars to Kurdistan, noting that Kurdistan Region owes 3 trillion and 700 billion dinars.

With regard to employee complaints of slow distribution of salaries , Tahir said that speed or slow on the distribution of salaries depend on the proceeds held by the ministry , adding that the proceeds depend on the proceeds of the ministry , confirming that proceeds controls the distribution of monthly salaries .

He noted that the ministry had depended in securing monthly salaries on internal loans , investors , traders and owners of capital , denying what has been published by some media that Kurdistan Region borrowed from abroad to deal with its financial crisis .

The approval of the draft federal budget for the current year has been delayed in the Iraqi Parliament as a result of disagreements between the government of Kurdistan region and the federal government on the quantities of oil that Erbil has to be committed with to export it and get its revenue.

Baghdad insists that Erbil must export 400 000 barrels of oil per day via the Iraqi National Oil Company " SOMO " and deposit its revenue in the Iraqi Development Bank in New York , but Erbil confirm that it is not able to export this quantity offered to export 100 000 barrels only .