2014-03-17 06:16:36

in their quest to build a democratic, federal, pluralistic country, according to the constitution .

This came in a statement by the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad , reportedly for " Shafaq News " , marking the twenty-sixth anniversary of what it called as terrible massacre committed by the regime of Saddam Hussein that claimed the lives of more than five thousand innocent civilians as a result of an attack with chemical weapons on Halabja city in Kurdistan Region of Iraq”.

The statement pledged to stand by all Iraqis and Kurdish people in their strive towards building a democratic, federal , pluralist and unified Iraq according to items stipulated in the constitution .

The statement renewed Washington's commitment to ensure that no “atrocities " would take place again on the ground in Iraq.

The former regime had bombed in 16 of March 1988 Halabja city with chemical weapons , killing more than 5,500 Iraqi Kurds and wounded 7000-10000 mostly civilians, thousands of residents of the town had been killed in the following year due to health complications , diseases and birth defects .