2020-06-09 13:48:45

Shafaq News / Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq condemned on Tuesday, the attack of security forces in Kirkuk on journalists and media workers from carrying out their duties.

The Association quoted "Gali Kurdistan" reporter in Kirkuk, colleague Azad Shakur as saying that security forces prevented him and NRT channel reporter , Diyar Muhammad from passing checkpoints to their workplaces, which led them to leave the main streets and walk on foot in the sub-streets to get to work.

Shakur added that the security forces also prevented Shafaq News reporter, Hazhar Rashid from covering the market in Kirkuk city, as a security associate demanded him to delete what is saved in the camera and leave immediately, while the correspondent of the Iraqi Kurdish channel, Aji Gohar, was also prohibited from crossing the checkpoints yesterday to reach his home.

The Association said that it is surprised by these actions, despite stressing that journalists are exempted from the curfew procedures, and this is a violation of press freedom.

The Association also requests the governor of Kirkuk and the security leaders to direct the forces operating under their command, to abide by instructions issued by the highest authorities, which include facilitating the work of journalists at the time of the curfew.