2020-04-22 11:01:41

Shafaq News / A close source to the Prime Minister-designate, Mustafa Al-Kathemi revealed on Wednesday, that an important meeting will be held this afternoon, between the political forces and Al-Kathemi to resolve the differences on the cabinet.

The source told Shafaq News that “There have been differences between the political forces and the Prime Minister-designate during the past two days over some of the portfolios in his new government as there will be an important meeting with all the political forces to reach an agreement and consent to solve this differences. "

He added that "the differences are currently centered on the (Defense, Interior, Oil, Finance) Ministries as every political force has a special opinion regarding these ministries and Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kathemi has a special opinion also on who occupies them, which are sovereign in his government."