2020-03-21 09:42:21

Shafaq News / The Health Department of Najaf Governorate announced on Saturday, the recovery of 4 people infected with Corona virus in the governorate.

A statement of Najaf governorate's health department, reported to Shafaq News, said that "two infected persons with Corona virus in Al-Hakim Hospital will be discharged from the hospital after they have fully recovered, in the presence of Najaf governor, at 1 o'clock this afternoon."

The statement pointed out that "the number of similar cases of recovery in the governorate increased to 4 cases."

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Ministry of Health announced on Friday, the increase in the number of infections in the country with Corona virus to 208 cases, 17 deaths and 50 cases of recovery, while Sulaymaniyah Province recorded, later on Friday evening, 6 new cases of infections.