2020-03-09 10:53:41

Shafaq News / Diyala Provincial Health Department announced on Monday that two cases of Corona virus infection recovered, while noting that two new suspected cases had been recorded.

The official newspaper "Al-Sabah" quoted the department as saying, "Two cases infected with Corona virus in the province have recovered and we are awaiting final confirmation of their discharge."

The department pointed out that "two new suspected cases of corona virus were recorded," noting that "their samples were sent to the public health laboratory in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad to confirm their infection or not."

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment announced on Sunday, the confirmation of the diagnosis of six new cases of the emerging corona virus; one in each of Muthanna, Anbar, Dhi Qar, Najaf, Baghdad and Maysan, while the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government announced recording three new cases of Corona virus, This brings the number of infections to 13 confirmed cases in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah governorates.