2020-03-08 09:19:05

Shafaq News / The health department of the Iraqi Dhi Qar Governorate announced, on Sunday, that two suspected cases of Corona virus were recorded in the province.

The official Al-Sabah newspaper, quoting Dhi Qar Health Department  said, "Two suspected cases of Corona virus infection have been recorded in the province," noting that " samples were sent to the Public Health Laboratory in Baghdad and awaiting for the results."

The department pointed out that "during the past few days, the governorate sent samples of 15 suspected cases to the Public Health Laboratory, and laboratory tests have proven being negative ."

It is noteworthy that Dhi Qar Governorate has not yet recorded any infection with Corona virus, along in the governorates of Nineveh, Basra, Anbar, Salahuddin, Dohuk, Muthanna and Diwaniyah.

The number of deaths due to infection with the virus was 4 throughout Iraq, two in Baghdad and one in each Sulaimaniyah and Karbala, while the number of infections across the country reached 57, distributed as follows: 26 Baghdad, 8 Sulaimaniya, 7 Kirkuk, 5 Najaf, 3 Wasit, 2 Diyala, 2 Karbala, 1 Maysan, 1 Babel, 2 Erbil.