2020-03-23 11:06:39

Shafaq News / A medical source in Karbala province stated on Monday, that the province recorded a new death with Corona virus, while Najaf province recorded 5 new infections with the virus.

The source told Shafaq News, "A 70-year-old woman from Karbala province died today, as a result of infection with the emerging corona virus."

In turn, another source from Najaf province, told Shafaq News, that "the province recorded 5 new cases of Corona virus, and two suspected cases."

A medical source in Basra Governorate had informed this morning,   Shafaq News that two citizens died as a result of being infected with the new Corona virus in the province.

The number of deaths in all of Iraq as a result of corona virus infection increased to 20, while the number of infections reached 233, and recovery was 57, according to a statement of the Iraqi Ministry of Health yesterday,   while the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region announced Monday morning, recording 12 new infections in Erbil, bringing the number of infections in the region to 76 cases.