2014-01-09 06:41:35


“ We will not use force as long as the tribes are fighting al-Qaeda and the army is ready to intervene at any time ,” Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has called in a televised speech yesterday , briefed by “Shafaq News “.

Dulaimi told “Shafaq News " that " Fallujah’s deputy Mayor and Director of police are there for security reasons ," noting that " the outskirts of the city is in a better condition than previous days as well as other cities “.

Fallujah and areas in Ramadi city and some other Anbar cities have became out of the control of the government authorities for several days , after the gunmen imposed their control on it widely and imposed their influence since the height of the war that broke out after the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 .