2013-12-29 06:44:24

that may take place on the background of the arrest of Sunni MP Ahmed al-Alwani .

Tension has escalated among Anbar clans between and the forces of the Iraqi army , after an exchange of fire between the bodyguards of the MP Ahmed al-Alwani that resulted in the death of his brother and three of his bodyguards and Alawani’s arrest.

The clans gave the Iraqi authorities 12 hours to release al-Alwani on Saturday , or engage in a struggle between angry tribesmen and the Iraqi army .

“No assurances have been received in Anbar so far about al-Alwani’s crisis, but we are waiting for intensive contacts with the deputy Minister of Defense and for the parliamentary delegation to reach positive results ,” Karhot told “Shafaq News”.

Vice Chairman of Anbar Board, Faleh al-Issawi has revealed yesterday to “Shafaq News " ,” a planned visit by the Parliament Speaker , Osama al- Nujaifi at the head of a parliamentary delegation to Anbar to solve the crisis, which erupted after the arrest of al-Alwani “.

Chairman of Anbar Board said that " contacts had been made with the tribes to stop the 12 -hour time limit and everyone is waiting for talks today."

On the situation on the ground in Anbar, Karhot said that " Anbar looks quiet with morning hours and is subjected to a comprehensive ban to roam ( the citiesand the main roads ) , did not give any statement out demonstrations in the cities of Anbar because the situation is so tensed”.

He added by saying that the “concerning situation still continues and the authority of Anbar renews call for calmness .”

While the investigative committee formed by the Parliament Speaker, Osama al- Nujaifi, on killing MP Ahmed al-Alwani’s brother on Sunday has been prevented from entering Anbar province according to "the order from Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki."

The committee’s member , Sameaah al-Gahlab told "Shafaq News", the Baghdad Operations prevented the investigative Committee from entering Anbar this morning under the pretext of the order of the prime minister to prevent any MP from entering Anbar.

She added, that Three MPs have been also prevented from al- Iraqiya List yesterday from entering Anbar.

Alwani belongs to the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc and has been a strong critic of Maliki and an influential figure in the protest movement.

The violent arrest of Ahmed al-Alwani is likely to inflame tensions in Sunni-dominated Anbar, where protesters have been demonstrating against what they see as marginalization of their sect by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite-led government.