2014-05-15 11:30:05
“This initiative has been approved by the central government and tribal leaders in the province that includes the withdrawal of insurgents from Fallujah and Ramadi in a period of time ,” The head of the Council , Sabah al-Karhot told “Shafaq News “.

"After the end of the time period , militarily intervention supported by tribes will start to expel the militants ."

“The initiative also includes the reconstruction of the damages as a result of military operations and compensate the affected citizens,” he added.

Anbar provincial council said earlier , that its territory has became a battleground between international powers with the intensification of fighting in parts of the vast desert of the province bordering Syria.

The administration of the province demanded the Iraqi government in Baghdad to pay 100 billion dinars for the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure due to the fights that has been going on for more than four months

Armed anti-government militants , including the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham have launched widespread attacks in Anbar and areas close to it to control the land in an unprecedented challenge to the Iraqi government since the departure of U.S. forces in late 2011 .