2014-01-12 11:51:18

launched by the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant " Daash " agasint some Iraqi cities , urging all Iraqi political forces to " support the interests of the state."

The statement by the League received by “Shafaq News" said that “ these attacks aim to destabilize security and stability in Iraq and the region around it”.

The League confirmed by the statement its full solidarity with the Iraqi state in its war against "terrorism" , stressing the need to unite forces and unify efforts to meet those " terrorist” groups.

It confirmed its full for the statement of the Security Council dated 10.1.2014 , which expressed strong support for the continued efforts of the Iraqi government to help meet the security needs of all the inhabitants of Iraq , praising the efforts of members of the security forces , police and Iraqi tribal leaders in coping with criminal acts against " Daash ."

The statement added that the General Secretariat of the Arab League is following with interest the efforts of the Iraqi government to continue working to secure safe passage for civilians trapped in Anbar province, and the safe return of the displaced people .

The Arab League also urged, the Iraqi national forces to support the higher interests of the state away from the political disputes , expressing readiness of the Arab League to anything requested by Iraq , to restore security and stability in its lands and to preserve the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.