2013-12-22 07:15:01

It is scheduled for a senior Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad in the next few days to discuss the issue of oil export and the outstanding problems by passing the federal budget.

Laeebi said in a statement briefed by “Shafaq News “, on the sidelines of the 91 meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Organization Of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries - OAPEC in Doha , that he held talks with Turkish Energy Minister during his recent visit to Baghdad dealt with the issue of the oil export from Kurdistan region abroad through independent pipeline that extends to Turkey under an agreement concluded by the Turkish government with the Regional Government finally .

He added that he had explained to the Turkish minister, the issue of the oil export and revenue and audit which is still under the supervision of the UN Security Council resolutions, therefore cannot open an account for the export of crude oil, but within this mechanism at the expense of the central reserve and under the supervision of United Nations.”

Laeebi said that the Turkish minister expressed his understanding for the Iraqi point of view.

He added that the meeting is scheduled to take place next Wednesday between the federal government in Baghdad and Kurdistan Regional Government to discuss the details.

“We hope to reach a solution in the interest of everyone,” he added.

Kurdistan and Turkey have reached a few days ago to agreements for the export of Kurdish oil to world markets via the new pipeline that passes through Turkish territory, down to the port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.

Kurdistan plans to start exporting oil early next year , but this big move needs understanding with Baghdad , which opposes them for going in this path individually .