2020-02-29 11:23:05

Shafaq News / The Director General of Health - Karkh, Dr. Gasp Al-Hajami expected on Saturday to record new cases of Corona virus in the capital.

Al-Hijami said in a statement today, that two positive cases was recorded in Al -Furat General Hospital for the first patient and his condition is very good and almost normal, the second patient is well and stable in terms of corona disease, but she suffers from minor surgical problems due to complications of surgery performed in Iran.

He added that it is expected that other cases will be recorded due to the effective monitoring and investigation of Baghdad Health Service- Karkh, and the efficiency and loyalty of its employees.

It is noteworthy that Ministry of Health in Iraq has announced its registration of 8 cases of corona virus, the first of which was in Najaf to an Iranian religious science student then five cases were diagnosed in Kirkuk, and two cases in the capital Baghdad.

The ministry said in its detailed statement about the infections among the Iraqi ranks, that all of them were on a visit to Iran and returned to the country recently.