2020-03-02 10:14:10

Shafaq News / Baghdad health- Karkh department indicated, on Monday, the health deterioration of two people infected with Corona virus.

The Health department said in a statement today that four cases of Corona infection are in good condition and ready to leave the hospital, but after the results of laboratory tests appear.

It added, "The fifth and sixth cases are for two women aged 72 years and 65 years who suffer from chronic and previous diseases, and today they are in good condition and are gradually improving."

For his part, Fadel Al-Gharawi, a member of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Iraq, stressed the need for government agencies to support them to follow the health and service realities in the displacement camps located within the administrative borders in their governorates.

In a statement, Al-Gharawi said that the monitoring teams at the Human Rights Commission have documented the weak health and preventive measures against the spread of Corona virus in the displaced people camps  . This requires the Ministry of Health and the Directorate of Civil Defense to launch a campaign to sterilize all camps for the displaced, accompanied by an awareness campaign to prevent the spread of Corona virus among the displaced people.