2014-01-28 09:50:10

said that it condemns Iraqi politicians who have asked Syrian President , Bashar al-Assad to allow " jihadists " to cross into Iraq .

A press report attributed to the adviser of Syrian President , Bashar al-Assad said that Iraqi politicians had asked Asaad to open the border in front of what they call as " Mujahideen " to attack the political process , adding that his government maintains sound recordings for those politicians and will air them at the appropriate time .

The member of the state of law coalition , Saad al-Matlabi told “Shafaq News " , that "The Iraqi government is seeking to communicate with the Syrian government to get the documents and evidence of sound recordings or videos that proves that Iraqi politicians had gone to Syria and asked President , Bashar al-Assad to allow the militants to cross to Iraq . "

Matlabi added, that "if the evidence is proven then a lawsuit will be filed to the Iraqi judiciary in order to take legal action against those concerned ."

“Kul al-Akhbar “ (All News) newspaper says that the adviser of the Syrian President , Buthayna Shaaban has confirmed to its correspondent , the arrival of three delegations to Damascus after the bombing of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry asking Assad to open the border in front of Mujahideen .

Shaaban confirmed , citing the newspaper that "the first delegation was headed by , Tariq al-Hashemi , the second by al-Issawi and the third was of components a mixture form al- Iraqiya List, then Harith al-Dhari , Adnan al-Dulaimi, Salim al-Jobouri, Salman al- Jumaili and Rashid al-Azzawi joined them”.

A number of politicians have denied being involved in these statements , which came in press releases as some of them described those charges as " leaks that has a goal of political destruction."