2014-05-01 09:54:10
agreement with the United States , after the legislative elections that took place on Wednesday .

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has described in a statement issued by his office , his government that it has fulfilled its promise to hold parliamentary elections in the country as scheduled.

United States Assistance Mission in Iraq , "UNAMI " praised on Wednesday,   conducting the Iraqi parliamentary elections and local councils in Kurdistan region and said it took place in a transparent manner away from breaches .

“ US-Iraqi relations since the American withdrawal are facing a new challenge in re-examining the coping mechanisms andactivating the strategic framework agreement ,” Faili said in an interview with the" Radio Sawa" , site briefed by "Shafaq News”.

He explained that the future of relations between the two countries will discuss common challenges such as terrorism and the security situation in Iraq and the region , in addition to the reconstruction of Iraq and processing of the infrastructure .

Faili described the statements of U.S. Secretary of State , John Kerry about the elections as a " heroic act " regarding the " difficult situations experienced by Iraqis from security threats , especially against the voters ."

On the impact of the Iraqi elections on the stability of the region , the Iraqi ambassador stressed that the peaceful transfer of power in Iraq is a positive development for the region , despite the challenges faced by Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime .

Faili added that " Iraq is now in a positive state looking for partners and friends in the area and looking to end pending files , such as relations with Kuwait , and are looking for strong relationships with neighbors not because Iraq needs them , but in terms of geopolitical cooperation."

Regarding relations with Iran, the ambassador pointed out that Iraq will deal with them as a neighbor that has common challenges with Iraq , taking into account its role in the region .

He pointed out that Iraq aims to search for stability and independence , considering elections as ongoing step to achieve these goals .

"The election is an internal matter related to Iraqi voter and not Iran ."

Faili talked about the role of Iraq as assistant to speed up the solution to the Syrian crisis , describing the role of Baghdad as not critical , but helpful , especially in light of the implications of the Syrian influence in this conflict .

It is worth mentioning that Iraq has signed an agreement with the strategic frameworks and the United States in 2008 , which stipulate supporting ministries, institutions and government departments in the Republic of Iraq   to strengthen relations in cultural , economic, diplomatic and security areas.

Section III of the strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States : stipulates promoting for security and stability in Iraq , and thereby contribute to the maintenance of international peace and stability , enhance the ability of the Republic of Iraq to deter all threats against the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity , as the parties continue to work on the development of relations of close cooperation in relation to defense and security arrangements without prejudice to Iraqi sovereignty over its territory , waters and airspace .