2014-01-11 07:56:04

, and " self- control " on using " force" in fighting between security forces and insurgents in western Iraq .

Ban Ki-moon condemned strongly at a press conference at the headquarters of General of the United Nations in New York , briefed by " Shafaq News , “ the ongoing violence in Iraq's Anbar province , calling on the Iraqi government to self control in the use of force and respect for human rights. "

"We have call government leaders in Iraq , including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to have a comprehensive policy that promotes reconciliation between the different ethnic groups ," describing it as " the best way to to address the grievances of the people who do not feel comfortable with everything that happens ."

On the other hand , the United States proposed a presidential draft statement of the Security Council that supports the " Iraqi government's efforts in addressing the security challenges and fight against terrorism and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) organization."

This project supports the statement formulated in coordination with the Iraqi Mission to the United Nations the efforts of the tribe’s leaders in Ramadi area to end the violence and terrorist acts.”

The draft statement condemns “the terrorist attacks in Ramadi and Fallujah, and condemns terrorism and supports the efforts of the Iraqi security forces and tribal leaders to fight al Daash.”

The UN Security Council has expressed strong support for the Iraqi government in its military campaign targeting groups linked to al-Qaeda strongholds .

It is said that the United States has announced since the start of operations against al- Anbar, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant " Daash " support for the Iraqi government.