2014-04-17 08:23:22
, Recep Tayyip Erdogan on bilateral relations and the political situation in Iraq and the region .

“The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Minister ,Imad Ahmed Minister of Natural Resources , Ashti Hawrami, the government spokesman , Safeen Dazia from Kurdistan Region , while Minister of Energy , Taanar Yildiz and advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Feridun Sinirle Oglu and a number of advisers from the Turkish side , adding that he addressed a number of issues of mutual interest , including bilateral relations and the latest developments on the situation in the region, A statement by the presidency of the regional government received by "Shafaq News” said.

The statement said that Barzani congratulated Erdogan, at the start of the meeting on the occasion of victory of the ruling Justice and Development (AKParti) in the last municipal elections in Turkey , pointing out that the latter expressed his thanks and appreciation to the President of Kurdistan Regional Government .

The statement added that the two sides focused on ways to develop economic and trade relations between Kurdistan Region and Turkey , stressing the need to make all the facilities of the two sides in order to raise the prospects of bilateral trade between Kurdistan Region with Turkey to better levels and expand it in various fields.

The statement said that current situation and the latest developments in the region in general and the current situation on the Iraqi arena in particular was another aspect of this meeting , noting that the two sides addressed the parliamentary elections scheduled for the end of this month in Kurdistan Region and Iraq .

The statement also noted that the two sides exchanged views and opinions regarding the expectations of the political scene after the elections and the future of the political process in Iraq , pointing to problems between Erbil and Baghdad, and efforts to address these problems through dialogue and understanding .

The delegation of Kurdistan Region ended its visit to Turkey and returned to the capital Erbil .

Kurdistan Regional Government maintains close economic and investment with the Turkish side constitute a large proportion of the volume of trade exchange between Baghdad and Ankara , estimated by economic experts and observers to more than 12 billion dollars annually .

President of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani discussed with the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, Robert Stephen , the crisis in Anbar province and the ongoing preparations for holding the Iraqi election at the end of current April .

A statement from the presidency of the region reported for " Shafaq News” that “ the two sides discussed the latest political, security and military developments in Iraq and Anbar province in particular, and how to handle the political crisis and the unstable security situation , noting that the U.S. ambassador expressed to Barzani his discontent about the political crisis and the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq, especially in Anbar province.

The meeting dealt with the elections of the parliament of Iraq and its impact on changing the political map in Iraq , pointing out that the two sides hoped that the election would be a reason to end the political crisis in Iraq .

The statement noted that the political situation in the region and the Syrian crisis was the focus of the last talks the two sides.