2014-01-20 06:30:13

, Nuri al-Maliki decided that the Iraqi government delegation would make a draft and sent it to Erbil in the coming days to study and prepare it in another meeting.

“KRG delegation headed by , Nechirvan Barzani hold (yesterday evening) Sunday , a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki,” a statement by KRG reported for " Shafaq News " said.

The statement noted that the meeting dealt with the latest political and security developments on the Iraqi arena and the outstanding problems between Erbil and Baghdad, as well er the recent developments in the region in general and its repercussions on Iraq and neighboring countries .

Barzani and Maliki renewed their willingness to address all the problems through dialogue and understanding.

The two sides held a second meeting to discuss the disputed points between the two parties , as the meeting shed light on the details of the outstanding problems and the mechanism to take steps for convergence.

The statement noted that it has been decided that a delegation of the Iraqi government in the light of the results of this meeting, would make a draft and sent it to Erbil in the coming days for the purpose of study and to prepare for another meeting .

It is worth mentioning that a high-level delegation from Kurdistan Region , headed by , Nechirvan Barzani had arrived in Baghdad on Sunday afternoon and held a meeting with the delegation of the Federal Government headed by Deputy Prime Minister for Energy , Hussain al-Shahristani .

The statement said the two sides put forward their comments and views on the proposals for addressing the problems explicitly , noting that the two sides expressed their desire to reach an appropriate outcome in the interest of all Iraqis , taking into consideration the specificity of Kurdistan Region .

It should be noted that the delegation of KRG headed to Baghdad , which included both the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister , Ruze Nuri Shaways , the Minister of Natural Resources , Ashti Hawrami and a number of economic chiefs in the region , while the federal government delegation included the Minister of Oil , Minister of Finance and a number of other officials in the Iraqigovernment.