2014-03-20 10:40:55
, stressing that the Kurds are " strong " by unity and will win and Kurdistan will progress . "

Barzani wrote on his social networking site ( Facebook ) , followed by “Shafaq News " , “ congratulating the Kurdish people on Nowruz festivals   in their struggle towards freedom faced a lot of difficulties and sacrifices , confirming that " he is very confident that this struggle and steadfastness will not go in vain ."

He added that a " bright " future is waiting Kurdistan , calling on all parties to work to " hard " in order to " deepen " the unity and promote the culture of peace and coexistence .

He said that the Kurds are strong and will win by their unity and progress of Kurdistan , calling to preserve the environment and the beauty of Kurdistan.

Kurds consider the atheist day of March of every year as a national holiday called Nowruz means a new day , in which the Kurdish year begin that proceeds the calendar by 700 years .

The Kurdish legend says that a smith of Kurds called Kawa led a revolution to get rid of the rule of unjust king who used to kill their youth named Dahhaak so hit by he used his iron hammer on the king’s head and kill him so that the people could get rid of his evils and start joyful carnivals of freedom , which coincides with the first day of the spring season .