2013-12-23 08:49:17


“Barzani met on Sunday, members of his party bloc in the previous session of Kurdistan Parliament in its third session ,” A statement by Kurdistan Democratic Party received by “Shafaq News “ said.

During the meeting, which was attended by secretary of the party's political bureau , Fadhil Mirani and a number of members of the political bureau , Barzani pointed out that the Parliament and the regional government is in front of a new phase that includes duties and new business and requires teamwork and the positions of standardized to provide better services to the citizens of the region.

Barzani , the party's candidate to form a new government in the region, said that the region will work with other parties , pointing out that the first priority in the next phase is to provide better services to citizens in all areas.

Kurdistan Democratic Party has won first rank in the elections of Kurdistan Parliament, which took place last September by winning 38 seats of the total 111 of the Parliament , Change movement came in second place by obtaining 24 seats, while Patriotic Union of Kurdistan came in the Third rank by a total of 18 seats.