2014-04-09 09:12:52
to build a new Iraq constitute a main point of solving the problems that plague Iraq today .

“In spite of the emergence of transition signs from dictatorship to democracy in Iraq as a whole , but the Kurdish political forces sought fifty years ago to achieve democracy in Iraq ,” Barzani said in a statement on the occasion of the eleventh anniversary of the fall of the former regime in the ninth of April of 2003 , briefed by " Shafaq News”.

Barzani pointed out that 9th of April witnessed the fall of the former President Saddam Hussein’s statue and the fall of his regime, pointing out that the leadership of the Kurdish people strongly demanded to change the regime in Iraq through a new constitution and the laws that have been drafted so far .

He added that the Constitution is the basis for coexistence among citizens and the peoples of Iraq , stressing that respecting Iraqis necessarily mean commitment to the national agreement , which took place during 2004 and 2005, which formed the foundation of the new Iraqi constitution .

Barzani called on everyone to stop for a moment and ask , " Where do we go with this rich country and how we want the next generation to remember us ," adding that “ returning to the Constitution and faithfully embody its paragraphs will give the Iraqi people a new opportunity for peace and construction.

He called not to miss this opportunity in order that next generations won’t lose hope in future.

The international coalition led by the United States and Britain has toppled the regime of President , Saddam Hussein in a process called the war to liberate Iraq .

The American troops had entered Baghdad in the ninth of April 2003 and fall a large statue of Saddam in the middle of Firdos Square, the center of the capital as a sign of the fall of the regime that seized power in Iraq for 35 years fought through many internal and external wars and enter Iraq through stifling economic blockade.