2014-01-04 07:25:39

, after a young man was killed in protests that took place in Sayed Sadiq sub-district in Sulaymaniyahprovince.

“ Barzani has ordered the security forces to stay away from violence and to deal with civic activities in permitted legal formats and ways, calling for the preservation of the protesters and civic activists and to preserve the official institutions to avoid the occurrence of undesirableevents ,” A statement from the Presidency of KRG reported for " Shafaq News “.

KRG has announced that Prime Minister , Nechirvan Barzani has assigned a committee that includes membership of the relevant authorities and the Governor of Sulaimaniyah to follow up on problems of Sayed Sadiq sub-district , scheduled to arrive to the sub-district on Saturday.

KRG statement said the delegation will include both the Minister of Municipalities and Tourism , Dilshad Shehab , Minister of Construction and Housing , Kamran Ahmed and governor of Sulaymaniyah ,Behrouz Hama Saleh, it is due to hold the delegation 's visit to the sub-district in order to deal with the crisis management .

Dilshad Shehab expressed, according to the statement , the concern of the President of KRG from the current situation in Sayed Sadiq town, calling for a solution to the problems and the restoration of the security situation in the region's borders as soon as possible .