2014-06-04 10:09:57
to be fixed according to lower international accepted standards , while stressing that Baghdad used to sent 10% of the general budget as the Region’s share and pointed out that the government pay 850 billion dinars annually as salaries only .

Barzani said in a meeting that takes place today in the Parliament of Kurdistan Region , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that the “ energy issue is important and sensitive and has nothing to do with the policy of the party or a particular person , indicating it is a matter of concern to all parties and citizens in Kurdistan” .

He added that Kurdistan Parliament and representatives of the people should be informed on the details of the export of oil through the legal and constitutional frameworks .

Barzani said that the region extraction , export and sale of oil is not a prelude to independence or split as some think, but he also said that it was related to the constitutional right to exercise a constitutional right within the Iraqi constitution framework.

He added that the problem with the federal government regarding oil file lies in that it want full control of this file , adding that if ( Baghdad ) has reached an agreement with the region on the distribution of oil revenues in a constitutional way , it would became possible to overcome the problems faced by approving the Iraqi public budget each year .

Regarding the region's share of the Iraqi public budget , Barzani stressed that the percentage that reaches the region is only 10% not 17% as claimed by Baghdad , indicating that the government always claim to provide services and continuing jobs .

He said that 10% received by the region make it difficult to his government to respond to these two requirements , especially with the presence of large numbers of employees as the government must pay their salaries amounted to 850 billion dinars each year.

The meeting which took place today came at the request of the head of the regional government , who attended it accompanied by a delegation of senior officials in his government .

Nechirvan Barzani has objected the way of asking questions by some heads of blocs and MPs during the meeting in the parliament .

Barzani demanded the MPs not to convert the session to a showing session for television cameras , stressing that the method of asking questions must be according to legal frameworks within the parliamentary sessions.

He said that the session is not a trial , but it aims to inform the people through their MPs in the Parliament on the details and facts of interest to them.

On the reason for the absence of his deputy Imad Ahmed , Minister of Finance and Economy in Government , Bayez Talabani , Barzani revealed that Imad Ahmed is outside the region and Bayez Talabani is sick.