2014-01-27 06:31:39

calling for the need for compatibility between Erbil and Baghdad to resolve the issue of oil .

According to a White House statement , briefed by " Shafaq News " , Biden praised the Iraqi government's commitment to integrate tribal forces fighting Daash with Iraqi security forces and to grant compensation to the injured and the families of those who were killed during protecting Iraqi citizens and rebuilding communities in Anbar after damaged by fighting”.

The statement added that Biden also stressed and as he did with the leaders of Kurdistan Regional Government on the importance of agreeing on a mutually acceptable path in terms of oil exports from Iraq .

Iraq has began its military campaign against al-Qaeda and " Daash " after a senior commander in the army , a group of officers and soldiers were killed by a number of terrorist elements in Anbar.

Iraq has won in its campaign against the armed groups , the support of the governments of nine countries that have a prominent role both in the region and the world as well as the United Nations and the European Union.