2020-07-22 15:18:34

Shafaq News/ Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, leads the current US President, Donald Trump, by 8 percentage points in support among registered voters. Moreover, the former vice president appears to have a significant advantage among undecided voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.
The July 15-21 poll found that 46% of registered voters said they would back Biden in the Nov. 3 election, while 38% would vote for Republican Trump. The remaining 16% are either undecided, plan to support a third-party candidate or may not vote.
The campaigns of both candidates have focused much of their time on reaching out to this third group of potentially persuadable voters, which could swing a close election in either direction.
Reuters/Ipsos polling in 2016 found that support was evenly split that summer between Trump and the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton among registered voters who had not backed a major party candidate. On Election Day, Trump won a majority of voters who said they decided in the final week.
Seventy percent of undecided or third-party registered voters say they disapprove of Trump’s performance in office and the same number said they think the country is headed on the wrong track. And 62% said they thought the U.S. economy was headed in the wrong direction.
This group also appears to be deeply concerned about COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed more than 141,000 Americans and forced millions out of work as businesses closed in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.
About 8 in 10 said they were personally concerned about the spread of the virus causing COVID-19 disease. However, only 38% of the public supports Trump’s handling of the pandemic, including 20% of undecided or third-party registered voters.