2019-12-15 13:39:17

Shafaq News /The United Kingdom expressed today its position on the UN statement on the situation in Iraq.

"The United Kingdom welcomes the statement of the United Nations Security Council regarding Iraq, which supports a comprehensive dialogue between the Iraqi government and the people," the British embassy in Iraq said in a statement received by Shafaq News.

"The members of the Security Council expressed their grave concern over the demonstrations in Iraq, calling on all parties to stop using violence and destroy the basic infrastructure in the country," the statement added.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the efforts made to conduct a comprehensive dialogue between the government and the Iraqi people to undertake urgent reforms aimed at meeting the legitimate demands related to economic opportunities, governance and electoral legislation.

In a press release issued on Friday, members of the Security Council affirmed their support for the independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and welfare of Iraq. They expressed grave concern over the loss of life of demonstrators, the killing, maiming and arbitrary arresting unarmed demonstrators.

Council members recognized the right to peaceful assembly in Iraq and called on the Iraqi authorities to urgently conduct transparent investigations into violence against demonstrators. They also expressed concern about the killing or maiming unarmed protesters and security forces.

In their statement, Council members expressed concern about the involvement of armed groups in extrajudicial killings and kidnappings, and called for maximum restraint and urged all to refrain from violence or destroy vital infrastructure.

The members of the Security Council renewed their support for the efforts led by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Jenin-Hennes-Blackshart, in accordance with resolution 2470 (2019), to support and assist the government from Iraq and the Iraqi people with comprehensive political dialogue, reconciliation at the national and community levels, and assistance Elections for the Government of Iraq and the Independent High Electoral Commission.

The statement renewed the council members' support for the continued efforts of Iraq in recovery, stability, reconstruction, reconciliation, development, and reforms to meet the needs of all Iraqis. They reaffirmed Iraq’s security, especially in light of Iraq's regional victory against ISIS.

They stressed the importance of the government of Iraq supporting the values ​​set forth in the Iraqi constitution and responding to the needs of all Iraqis, including women, youth, children, displaced persons, and people belonging to all ethnic and religious groups.